Remembrance | Teen Ink


April 14, 2021
By BCosKnow221 PLATINUM, Orlando, Florida
BCosKnow221 PLATINUM, Orlando, Florida
48 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’ve gathered here today to celebrate

The life of one so dearly departed.

We laugh, we cry, we weep, we remember

The times we spent with them. But in the end,

Who cares? The world still turns, flowers still bloom.

Life goes on. And yet, there will always be

Some sort of impact, and yet, life goes on.

Nothing can ever change the flow of time,

This pre-destined path set out for us.

But that stops no one. We thrive, despite the

Circumstances laid out for us. We love,

We breathe, we smile, we learn, we laugh, we thrive,

Knowing death is unavoidable. Live

While we can. Mors certa, hora incerta.

The author's comments:

"Death is certain, but the hour is not."

That's what the Latin at the end of the piece translates to, which feels like a poignant reminder of the future to come. Live while we can, because nobody knows when that life will end. Carpe Diem, readers. Seize the day, make your lives extraordinary. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Sep. 2 2021 at 3:37 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

Ah that Latin at the end is so beautiful.