The World Apart | Teen Ink

The World Apart

December 4, 2021
By spspencer SILVER, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
spspencer SILVER, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The tune of our life has turned—
Once a steady predictable hum,
Now syncopating merrily.
Here the steam of eggs and sausage
Drifts past a rocket-making book
Along a table scattered with sisters.
Here hearts left dull and dreary
Find respite in the sight of shoes
Where printed watermelons shine.
Here the nonliving roam the streets,
Teem and tumble among the living,
Whistle songs to fortunate souls.
Here cars lose their tyrant rule,
Commanded by an ancient jersey,
Humbled by a glowing man.
Here each blaring weekend welcomes
Layers of pine straw and portapotties,
Guiding the fall migration of those
Who come to winter in the world apart.

The author's comments:

Going to college brings big, sometimes absurd changes to your daily life. The strangest things become important, and wildly different things appear side by side. In the poem, I wanted to encapsulate how this felt to me during my first semester at the University of Mississippi.

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