Letters | Teen Ink


December 15, 2021
By AutumnBisping GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
AutumnBisping GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am staring at the letter I’ve written twice now.

It’s folded perfectly,

And the contents have my beautifully looped y’s and g’s,

The i’s are dotted and I’ve crossed my t’s.

I wrote what I wanted to say most.

Written all because

Without you, nothing’s the same.

But losing you only has me to blame

I am going insane

And still yet

You’re my favorite name

I am staring at the letter I have written twice

It’s folded perfectly,

And the contents have my beautifully looped y’s and g’s,

The i’s are dotted and I’ve crossed my t’s.

The author's comments:

This poem was written about a letter I wrote to a friend. Before I wrote the letter my friend and I had been close, but one day he just kind of shut me out without an explanation, I blamed myself a lot so I wrote this letter spilling out everything I felt. I had not planned to actually give it to him so it was messy, then a friend told me I should tell him everything. I rewrote the letter, folded it and waited for time to pass.

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