My Room | Teen Ink

My Room

January 19, 2022
By hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
hsolliday SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Day 2

Two days have slowly passed since I've been trapped in this weird room. I don’t know how I got here or who’s rooms this is but there is no sign of anyone else being here. Each day not a single sound is made outside of me. 

Day 5

It's now been five days since I’ve been trapped. I’ve grown fond of the bed. It's soft yet firm enough to support me. I was confused at first by the large bundle of blankets, but I’ve quickly discovered that at night the room begins to freeze over with thin cold air. As day returns the room begins to heats up like a dessert no match for the ceiling fan.

Day 8

Eight days have passed and my mind is running out of ways to keep busy.So I’ve started studying the features of the room. The walls are dark colors covered by american flags, and small pictures of people i've never seen before. They all look so happy in the pictures, it makes me miss home. I miss my bed, my tv, my pillows, I miss everything. The worst part is that the room feels so perfect the rug matches the bed and the bed frame matches all the other furniture. 

Day 10

Now officially ten days have passed. I discovered there's these cool lights on the ceiling that change to any color I want too. I’ve used them to distract myself but everyday it seems as if the walls are closing in on me. I am continuously growing home sick.

Day 11, I miss my own room.

The author's comments:

A revised quick write edited and rewrote.

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