Gorgeous Blue Waves | Teen Ink

Gorgeous Blue Waves

March 18, 2022
By brej BRONZE, Bowling Green, Kentucky
brej BRONZE, Bowling Green, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gorgeous blue waves crash white on the shore.

Hot, grainy sand under my toes.

The sun is burning my skin.

The smell of sunscreen and saltwater brings me joy.

Children building castles and moats,

Their dreams come to life in the sand.

People tanning brown on colorful towels,

Baking in the sun as if they were cookies in the oven.

People splashing around in the water,

Irritating their friend who didn’t want to come in the first place.

A lost kid wearing goggles calling for his mom,

She’s only a couple feet away searching for him as well.

People hitting a volleyball back and forth over a worn out net,

Laughter erupts from the group when a tall guy stumbles into the net.

A middle age woman sitting in a chair reading a book,

The book seems to be making her emotional, it must be a romance novel.

A man throwing his dog a ball,

The dog eagerly running after it as if it was the first time he’d ever done it.

Little girl looking for seashells,

Putting her finds in a small pink bucket with a smile.

A couple having a nice picnic in the sun,

Enjoying each other's company as they swat away flies.

Teenage girls taking more than enough selfies,

Duck lips, peace signs, filters and smiles.

A tall blonde guy surfing the waves in the distance,

He falls off his board and disappears into the waves.

Young boy chasing after the kite that slipped out of his hand,

Whining while running frantically through a crowd taking a group photo.

A man burying a sleeping woman’s legs in the sand.

I think she’s supposed to be a mermaid but she looks more like a deformed eel to me. 

A little girl drawing what seems to be a self portrait in the sand,

I honestly couldn’t tell what it was until she drew her name in big squiggly letters under it.

The waves are calling my name.

So I run to them, but they disappear into thin air.

My alarm clock goes off and I’m awake.

I want to go back to those gorgeous blue waves.

But when I get up I forget they exist.

The author's comments:

I had a really good dream one day but the second I woke I couldn't even remember what the dream was about, so I kind of wanted to put that feeling into words. Dreams can be so vivid and loud, but easily forgotten.

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