Why am I not Pretty? | Teen Ink

Why am I not Pretty?

April 7, 2022
By garciaangela BRONZE, Spring Valley, Illinois
garciaangela BRONZE, Spring Valley, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“At what age do people start getting cynical about beauty?”

They say that everyone should be unique.

Yet they sit there telling us how to act, what to eat.

They try to control everything we do, comparing us to others.

They turn us into mentally unstable robots who hate themselves.

As a fetus they judge your barely growing features.

As a baby they categorize you into cute or potato sack looking.

As a toddler they call you adorable or annoying.

As a little kid they judge your abilities and your attractiveness.

The adults never stop judging you,

Yet the horrors don’t start until your peers start judging.

It starts with simple little things like:

“Oh your eating all that,”

“Your looking a little scrawny”

That is the beginning of a low self esteem.

Some get it worse than others, but everyone gets judged.

At eleven they ask why you haven’t started puberty.

At thirteen everyone looks you up and down, they say:

“Where did your boobs go?”

“Why aren’t you taller?”

At eighteen your life should be planned out

Graduating high school and moving on to college.

They call you a disappointment if you don’t aspire to have a perfect life.

Yet, what they don’t realize is that everyone has different definitions of perfection.

Although they judge, a kid has to fight to be who they want to be. 

Yet many lose that fight, losing themselves along the way.

The author's comments:

This piece was done as a free blog in my English class. I was looking through topics given to my class by my teacher, and I found one that really inspired me. I look around and I always see people judging other people over every single move. I see how it affects people, and I have been affected by judgement too. I wanted to try and brig more light to the problem by writing what I see.

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