Fairy Lights(Part Two) | Teen Ink

Fairy Lights(Part Two)

May 2, 2022
By The_NorthernLights BRONZE, Also No :), Illinois
The_NorthernLights BRONZE, Also No :), Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is some soul of goodness in things evil"

Fairy lights dug our grave
Fairy lights I still crave
Fairy lights ruined your lives
Yet now I yearn and wonder why
Fairy lights left your bleeding hearts
One moved on, one left in the dark
Now one heart, it beats slow
Yet the other, it does know
But one can't care
The other made it fair
One spread lies
The other cut ties
One was blue
The other truly knew
That the way they cut them off
Wasn't because they weren't soft
They knew the choices, they were laid bare
But yet one chose to call it unfair
When one said enough
The other couldn't be tough
And found themselves begging
For a new beginning
One they wouldn't receive
Yet they still kept pleading, begging them please

The author's comments:

This is definitely based more off my first piece! It's a continuation of my original fairy lights, following the same discarded romance of a tale!!

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