How to Play The Game of High School 2022 | Teen Ink

How to Play The Game of High School 2022

May 4, 2022
By Kbeanie BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
Kbeanie BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


You're new here. 

Welcome to High School

This is gonna be fun. 

Wait, you're what?

You hang out with who?

You believe what?

And yo wear that?

You’ve got a lot you learn 

So listen closely. 

Everything you do defines you

What you believe in doesn't matter

Who you hang out with is your status

Eat, sleep, live and breathe it. 

You will spend 185 days out of every year for 4 years, 

At this concrete block.

Come for 8 hours

Listen to lectures 

See people you don’t like

Have conversations you don’t want to have

Your topics are 



And drugs

Also careful of what you wear

Too conservitive

Too slutty

Find a middle

Some of them might even try to eat you up like Pac-Man 

Spitting out just your eyes 

Just wear what they wear 

Say what they say

Don’t make one wrong move and you're fine

You say one wrong thing

To the wrong person

And everyone knows.

Eat the truth

Spit the lie

Just watch and learn

We’re masters in the art

It’s a process 

A way of life

We hurt 

We betray

We move on

Do you understand?

Wait, you don’t want to play anymore?

Sorry you’ve already started

And the game is still going

You may not leave the game until your 18

If you leave the game early 

Your a drop out

A loser

You have no future 

You become a nobody

You will live in a ditch somewhere

And you will die alone,

Or at least that’s what they tell us. 

Wait, come back

We’re not done yet!

You still need to know about the actual school work. 

The projects and presentations

Due dates and 50 page papers. 

College transcripts and you must know what you want to do when you graduate. 

Come to school with a smile. 

A good attitude, 

And don’t forget Integrity.

I think you're ready now. 

Good luck,

In the game of high school, 2022

The author's comments:

This is a spoken word about what high school is like in 2022.

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