before summer | Teen Ink

before summer

May 8, 2022
By feiershen GOLD, Shanghai, Other
feiershen GOLD, Shanghai, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I feel there is something unexplored about woman that only a woman can explore. ---- Georgia O'Keeffe

the balloons are still out the next morning
holding hands with handrails of the big stair
cinderella lost her crystal shoes before midnight

hot humid air marks the beginning of another summer
the last shade of light still lingers on the stage from the night before
a ballerina’s grace

very soon they’ll remove the posters
redecorate the backstage
and probably reinvent the observatory
that had been sitting there old and dusty for fifty years
you once promised to take me there
now i have to go by myself

it’s just me, hollow chested beside the piano
still singing blues that becomes crusty over the four years
now i have to go by myself

The author's comments:

This is a feeling of loss and sadness after a school concert in the morning after it. I wish to capture the fragments of fleeting feelings of my teenage years, with an intention to make them remain eternally. 

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