Post-its left unread | Teen Ink

Post-its left unread

May 16, 2022
By TheMistakable GOLD, Junction, Texas
TheMistakable GOLD, Junction, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"...So, actually, therefore, the course of wisdom, what is really sensible, is to let go, is to commit oneself, to give oneself up and that's quite mad. So we come to the strange conclusion that in madness lies sanity."

I wrote it on a post-it

With the hope it would become a permanent promise 

If you've had a bad day I can be the kiss and giggle that tries anyways,

Just me and you, hand in hand, doing nothing but watching the water ripple beneath us and feel the nervousness between us

Not a single thought of stopping

I want to kiss you again

We can be car rides where we sing at the tops of our lungs, windows down, no one stopping us

We can be the divine and the karmic

The best and the worst darling

We can be broken pieces glued together 

As Orion hangs in the sky with Cassiopeia, we can stay together in the sky alone

Lost in a cosmic love for eons

and even after our stars fade and the universe darkens, my love will remain for you 

you can just be you

I can just be me

and we can just be us.

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