Sound of my Name | Teen Ink

Sound of my Name

June 3, 2022
By avaswen04 PLATINUM, Arlington Heights, Illinois
avaswen04 PLATINUM, Arlington Heights, Illinois
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When they asked me what I wanted to be I said I didn't know.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

When you hear the storm tear down your ancient oak tree with an ear shattering crack 

and the tortuous shredding and ripping of its limbs one by one - 

that is the sound of my name. 

When the tornado uproots your grandmother’s house, straight out of the dirt

and she wails and cries because her cat was trapped in the laundry room - 

that is the sound of my name. 

When you don't get called on in class by the professor you wished loved you as dearly and

spoiled you such as your mommy did, the crushing feeling of reality falling on you -

that is the sound of my name. 

When your bad habits consume you and you are a shell of the woman you once were,

snuffed out like a candle - 

that is the sound of my name. 

My name haunts you.

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