when rainbows were just rainbows | Teen Ink

when rainbows were just rainbows

June 14, 2022
By efel_ynnn BRONZE, Nyc, New York
efel_ynnn BRONZE, Nyc, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

do you remember 

when rainbows were

just rainbows

when drugs were

too many jolly ranchers and nerds

when drinking was

chugging cola

when smoking was 

dipping a hazelnut cracker

in nutella and sucking on it

when you could 

be friends with a boy and it wouldn’t

be weird

when you weren’t

judged on your looks

when love was 

buying ice cream for them

when kissing your best friend 

on the cheek wasn’t weird

when gay 

meant happyi 

when sad meant

your mom wouldn’t buy you

that new barbie 

when angry was 

when your mom tricked you

at the cash register

when i could wear

tank tops without worrying

when i would talk to anyone 

without thinking about 

how they saw me

remember when everything was 


when rainbows were just rainbows

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