The Ones Who Have Broken Me | Teen Ink

The Ones Who Have Broken Me

July 20, 2022
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I can’t breathe because you’ve cut off my oxygen 

You’ve taken everything that made me, me 

You’ve slowly been taking pieces from me 

I would let it pass thinking it’s only a little bit and it’s for a little while longer 

You think I’m on your team but I’m really on team Iva

You never have been Team Iva 

You’ve always been Team Dad 

He destroyed me 

He destroyed everything 

And just stood there

Didn’t say anything.

He broke me and you just stood there

You never cared enough to fight back 

Act like it didn’t happen and it becomes true 

Paint a nice picture to show people 

They believed it like fools 

Never paid close attention

Then they would’ve seen my broken parts

You say it was for the best

But for whose? 

Yours or mine?

The author's comments:

A lot of the stuff I write are very personal to me but I definitely like to just write out what I’m feeling.

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