A Fallen Soldier | Teen Ink

A Fallen Soldier

July 23, 2022
By Titanium SILVER, Burlington, Ontario
Titanium SILVER, Burlington, Ontario
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Always appreciate what you have before it's gone."

- Anonymous

Bright, glowing red pigment 

red like the lowering sun

stains the chest of a fallen soldier

It’s blood

He bravely left the world minutes ago

defending his country and his people

but at the end, he was overpowered with exhaustion and trauma

and at last, laid himself on the ground 

like a dead leaf 

He did so proudly,

bearing his nation’s flag on his back

He died valiantly

Some die as light as a feather,

others die as heavy as a mountain

I, believe, that he died as a mountain

So let us raise our eyes 

and send a silent prayer

to those before us who sacrificed their lives for the next generation

The author's comments:

Let's show appreciation to those who went through pain, trauma, or death for the well-being of the next generation. 

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