Expectations | Teen Ink


August 5, 2022
By kaikai_lai BRONZE, Los Altos, California
kaikai_lai BRONZE, Los Altos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What do you want to be when you grow up?

a lawyer, 




you dream so big, you reach for the stars

until you realize that they

they didn’t tell you that roses have thorns

thorns that cut and slice you till you bleed

you’re always told to

think outside of the box

be unique

but if everyone is thinking outside the box

there is no box to think outside of

but why dream so big when you have technology at your fingertips

why reach for the stars

when you can send astronauts up to the stars

and then, maybe then 

you will be seen. why


for the stars

when you can reach for your phone-

why reach-

but still

you have these hopes and dreams

you’re so blinded by what you should be

and now you realize they didn’t tell you that

roses have thorns

thorns that prick you back to reality.

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Aug. 8 2022 at 9:50 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

That hit so hard!!! We all do forget that roses have thorns...