Act | Teen Ink


September 7, 2022
By Noorzaareir BRONZE, Annandale, Virginia
Noorzaareir BRONZE, Annandale, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I will not apologize for choosing myself this time.

Why do you shut me out when I need you? 

                   When you need me, your out in the rain

                         begging for my forgiveness 

my heart can't bear to see tears running down your face

          like a statues tears 

                    I forgive, help, get betrayed 

        my heart knows to expect arrows every time you talk

                                          every "please" hits my heart

    this kind of bleeding is hidden well 

               I put my mask on

                           go out 

                                        carve a smile on my face

                                but im  f







        in the hole you dug out for me

                    too scared to leave 

                               for the fear of being left alone 

                       the act is exhausting 

         tears fill my eyes 

                               my room 

                                                          the only place that sees me unmasked 

                                  sleep tight my little angel, for tomorrow 

                                                is another day of acting. 

The author's comments:

I've always been a very dramatic person, I keep a lot inside and let it out on paper. This piece really hits hard and goes deep into my feelings, it's only a portion of many peoples lives out there and with my work I hope that I can get people to relate. I discovered my admiration for poetry in 4th grade, when I got a poem published for the first time. After that I started writing, every time I felt like I was lost I looked for a pen and paper and words would flow out of me without having to think. I'd really like to thank Ms Zainab Khan my 9th grade English teacher who really pushed me and made me believe in myself. 

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