Cherry Picking | Teen Ink

Cherry Picking

September 15, 2022
By CelesteA SILVER, San Francisco, California
CelesteA SILVER, San Francisco, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments


No wonder you went for her instead of me. 

I mean, god, I would do the same. 

Look at her. She’s everything anyone could ever want in a girl. 

And then look at me. 

Or maybe don’t. 

You don’t want to look at me. 

I’m a horror to be seen with. 

I’m a horror to be seen. 

Except I don’t want to tell you this. 

Because you’ll only try to reassure me with lies.

Lies on lies on lies on lies. 

Oh god, make them stop. 

I know you’re lying.

I know it’s a ruse to make me feel like I am a decent person.

A decent looking person.

A decent sized person.

A decent acting person.

Do I have a decent personality?

Wait. Actually don’t answer that.

You’re going to tell me a lie.

Huh. Come to think of it.

I wouldn’t pick me either.

Imagine being with someone this sickly?

This annoying?

Someone who will never shut up?

Isn’t it funny how even I wouldn’t ever choose myself?

I don't blame you for cherry picking. 

I would do the exact same. 

But while you’re at it,

would you mind just tossing me into the trash?

So that I won’t have to watch people cherry pick around me? 

That would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you. 


The author's comments:

A simple piece in which the main focus is low self esteem.

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