The Boy With The Disguise | Teen Ink

The Boy With The Disguise

September 19, 2022
By katelyn124 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
katelyn124 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You came to me like a sweet sunny bright day

You lit up the room with that smile you hated, the smile that would be my every damnation without even knowing.

Those eyes were blue and green mysterious like the sea, little did I know I would soon be drowning gasping for air you would never reach to me you would only float away smiling while I’m in pain.

Your mouth how those words fell out like it was easy for you to charm me into your arms those lies you feed me I ate them up like a starved prisoner.

Those hands how you caressed me so soundly and the same hands that made me hate my body for your touch soon after forcing those same caring hands as they turned into claws digging into my flesh while I was begging you to let go, you branding yourself into my skin forever knowing I was marked by you. Your presence turned my light into darkness forever thinking of black thunder lighting a hurricane in my mind getting shot on a battlefield we were supposed to fight together but you were on the opposite team. how you hated how I changed but you were the very reason I was broken.

That voice that sang those sweet Melodies soon raged on war with me pounding in my ears saying I was the one with the disguise saying hurtful threatening things making me imagine of the torture of my childhood.

Making me into this dark hole that I thought I could never grasp myself out of.

Until I found the key for the shackles you put me In and found someone who loves me even when I’m a rainy cloud he shows me that there is a rainbow in the imperfection

That there is someone smiling for knowing that it is a cold rainy peaceful day where they can unleash their feelings.

My heart is finally getting to peace without having to bear the chains you put me in you are no longer the tall beautiful dreamy boy I met

But the devil in disguise came to haunt me until my demise.

The same boy that tortured me until dark rippling red pooled beneath me how it was as though a lifeline of ruby was shattered and melted

As you smiled at the destruction you made. Grappling on the towers as if you owned them as if you were above god himself.

Forever showing that smile but with more meaning in the crevices in your face still holding that great evil in those eyes.

The author's comments:

looks into a toxic relationship and the challenges you go though it 

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