My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 12, 2022
By JouMa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
JouMa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is short and blunt. a 4 letter name. Neil.Its a boring name , but that doesnt fit those who wear the name like Neil Armstrong or Neil Diamond and myself of course.

Neil is a short name. a name that isn't complex or hard to spell yet it always gets spelled wrong.Most common of all niel. At this point I don't even address it anymore. might as well be my second name.Its a name that comes sprinting out the mouth Neee uhhhh sound coming from the back then suddenly a hard L.

I feel like my name is metally.Metal can be rough and uneven but as it goes through processes in its life time it gets smoothen out. i feel like i'm the same i might be rough now but as days goes by i start getting smoother.

Neil means Champion , warrior. all these bold titles. yes most of the time i do feel like a champion i fight like a warrior but is that really me deep inside? There are times when I doubt it. Does the name really represent me or does it just represent my outside?

I don't plan on my name being something everyone remembers.Ive never been someone who wants to be idolized or glorified. but at the same time I'm ambitious.

Would I change my name? no. Would I care if it was changed? No.

A name isn't always an accurate representation of a person. A person's actions are, and I'd say that my actions are a good representation of me and my name.

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