Finally Home | Teen Ink

Finally Home MAG

January 2, 2023
By gracie13 PLATINUM, Boca Raton, Florida
gracie13 PLATINUM, Boca Raton, Florida
39 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm becoming my own home

The cracks of light are starting to break through, brightening my face

The beginnings of peace dawning down on me,

Painting dreamscapes over the darkness

The swirling rhythm of the wind bending the trees

The records spinning softly, carrying covert conversation

Nighttime melting into the gentle sunrise

Wrapping my world in hopeful light

There is meaning in the stillness

Sitting down and listening to your own breath

Feeling the breeze in your hair, closing your eyes

Bring me back to life, please

There is inspiration in isolation

Memorizing the roadmap of life, following the twists and turns of time

Writing poems and tossing them under the bed

Basking in the glowing intimacy of freedom

Falling in love with myself

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