A Step of Life | Teen Ink

A Step of Life

January 31, 2023
By Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Sandystorm711 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love was no longer jealousy, it was peace"

To crawl with people of the same
To crawl with no furniture to help you stand
To crawl with no forced destination
To crawl and have no pressured decisions
To crawl and have no fear of loss
To crawl and not understand love
To crawl with no one, if you fall, to land
To crawl alone

To walk among friends
To walk among enemies
To walk towards the people who love you
To walk away from the ones who don’t
To walk the path set out for you
To walk with knowledge of disappointment
To walk is to lose
To walk alone

To run to the dreams that seem so out of reach
To run towards a life of dragging consistency
To run towards the edge of a cliff
To run and jump into the unknown
To run with with no way back
To run with the fear of life
To run with no one to call
To run alone

To fly is to fly alone
Only you can spread your own wings
To fly is to go far from home
No one can set you free
To fly is to understand it’s just you
And only you, you need
To fly, you must open your eyes to see
To fly you will finally be free

The author's comments:

Struggling with growing up and dealing with the stress of life can be hard and I wanted that to be present in this poem. It's something we all struggle with at one point or another. As a senior in high school, the pressure is on to find the perfect college and leave everything you've ever known behind.

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