Behind the Screen | Teen Ink

Behind the Screen

February 1, 2023
By Ares_Mei BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
Ares_Mei BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the barriers to speaking break down

Keyboards move as fast as they can

When the emotions travel free around

People now are mindless vigilante


Humanity vanished in a second

Celebrating for distress is routine

The crowds shout rapidly like wild beasts and

Celebrating to cheerless is a sin


Fors are angels

and against are devils

Later, there are only for and against

Conflicts were raised to a worthless level

Cause of them, “justice” was defensed


Within these conflicts, nobody wins

But the clowns still feel that they are their kings

The author's comments:

This poem aims to criticize the common events that there are many web trolls who speak terribly on the internet without considering the consequences. They are people who just spit out words without thoroughly understanding the event. These people feel that they are very awesome by speaking for justice. Instead, they are just clowns who dump trash on the internet.  

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