Sodadi | Teen Ink


February 6, 2023
By barbarafolgoa BRONZE, Tirana, Other
barbarafolgoa BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Inspired by the fear of being average

Sodad of the warm, 
Of the water,  
Of the sun, 
That shined every morning, 
And of the people, 
That care for me. 
Sodad of that beach,  
That has known me, 
Since my first step. 
Sodad of that land, 
I knew so well. 
Sodad of those days,  
When I could be anything I wanted, 
Without everyone judging my choices. 
Sodadi is what made me what I am now, 
That feeling that will always be there, 
No matter what happens. 

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