Just lay down | Teen Ink

Just lay down

February 22, 2023
By Tiger-14 GOLD, Hamburg, Iowa
Tiger-14 GOLD, Hamburg, Iowa
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forward”.

The life of the girl with PTSD, and NEAD short for non epileptic attack disorders 

Nevaeh go lay down 

No mom I’m scared why are the cops here 

“I’m going to give you till the count of 3 before I knock this door down 1…2…3 were coming in” 

bang bang bang It’s just a stapler it just a construction worker your safe your safe don’t shut down

”wake up your ok”

Nevaeh your ok your going to be ok where right here we’ve got you

bang bang bang has become more than a sound it a feeling and as soon as I feel it their back

bang bang bang

i'm back on the floor unconscious and shaking as I hit my head on the floor one more time bang bang bang

I’m awake its ok Nevaeh were right here its just the construction you're going to be ok do you want to go lay down “yes”

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