Medusa's Rose | Teen Ink

Medusa's Rose

February 23, 2023
By mousejoy2006 SILVER, Temple, Pennsylvania
mousejoy2006 SILVER, Temple, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A house is not a home, home is where the heart is

A burning rose; upon the mantle

It’s petals a bright and contrasting red compared to the gentle green stem

The red, of which is similar to the blood that poured from the open wounds

Those same wounds of which were caused by your hand

Your bloody, murderous, stained hands

The same hands that if given the chance I would still yet cradle

As the blood seeps out of my wounds and as dust of my own skin remains on your hands

I can see with my own eyes the crimson display before me;

Any sensical people would choose to run away, seeing the damage that you caused

But I am not sensical; nor wise, you’ve shown me that quite clear

And instead of running I will hold your hands as your nails dig deeper into my skin

The thorns that cover you pierce into my soul, but I do not move away

Instead I move closer, causing us to become stuck together

Yes, this hurts, yes, I do wish to go, but there’s a Forget-Me-Not that summons me nearer

I ingest the sweet nectar that you pour down my throat,

And you swear to me that it won’t happen again

Yet, now I can’t seem to remember what you’ve done, as if the damage is gone

But my skin remains bleeding and my heart remains torn

I know you’ve done something, but you beg me to stay

So, yet again, I will cradle your hands and hug your thorns

I blame myself, it is my fault, is it not?

I have the option to go, but I stay despite all the wounds you have given me

If anything, I am the murderer with the bloody hands

Maybe I had stabbed myself for you, maybe you are innocent

My hands hold the knife that has pierced into my skin

You begin to cradle me instead, telling me that you can fix me, you can cover the wounds

And, yet again, I trust you.

I trust that the bandages that are just a bit too tight are for my own good

I am the broken one, you said you could repair me

So like a loyal dog I’ll let you take me home

And as you wash my skin of the blood you’ve drawn

I’ll entrust that you’ll keep me safe

And when you hurt me once again, I’ll freeze in place

Like Medusa’s curse you’ll cause me to turn into stone

When I’m frozen you will hold me, caressing my rough skin

Your touch is causing me to dust, and I attempt to tell you to stop

But your gaze has keepen my lips frozen, and perhaps this is the way I’ll stay

Your stare is forever on me, waiting, and piercing into my soul

And I will remain your statue for you to stare at and yell to

A memory of what I once was, a sorrowful tale

I blame you as if I am the victim, but in my own heart I know I am not

I enabled you to do this, and it is my own fault

When I do learn to part, the freeing breeze as I learn to move again bursts through me

I feel a tear slide down my cheek as I set foot onto my own path

No longer do your spikes stab into me, but the wounds still remain

I learn to move on, and a realization comes to me

I am not innocent, I had enabled you to be a serial killer of my values

But you are not innocent either, as you took advantage of what I had given;

You took more than I had to offer, but I don’t hate you for hurting me

I should, I have the desire and right to, but no matter how hard I try I can’t

So I will wave you a passive goodbye, with the memories stuck in my skin

And you will walk away, with anger, or maybe pain, in those stained eyes

My body and soul are covered with marks from you, but I am not your victim

I am myself, and I am my own new rose, 

I am the sword and harp which beheaded your stone gaze

You may have took many things from me, but I am not yours

Goodbye to the ashes of our rose, and goodbye to you

And may the gentle breeze between us take us to our own paths

May yours be successful, and may you grow to be better than before

Hopefully I will, too.

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