Not there anymore | Teen Ink

Not there anymore

March 6, 2023
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I’m not there anymore 

I’m not being abused anymore 

But I can feel and remember everything 

I get flashbacks 

I get nightmares 

But I’m in a better place now 

The pain is there but I’m better now

I can’t hurt because my brain tells me I can’t 

I keep telling myself I shouldn’t be in pain

Because if I’m not there then how could I be hurting?

My friends still go through sh*t

I want to help them but I can’t 

I feel like I can’t tell them what I go through 

Not because they’re not there 

But because I feel like it’s not important 

It hurts but I can’t talk about it 

Instead, I drown myself in my feelings 

Pick up my outlet and reach the sky

Might not be healthy but it helps me escape

It should be easier but I don’t help myself

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