It can't be true | Teen Ink

It can't be true

March 6, 2023
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

It can’t be true

No I refuse to believe it

I can’t like girls

I went to therapy for this

It’s a sin, listen to your parents

God says is women and men

Everything else is wrong 

All those thoughts going through my head

Denied myself from the truth

Felt like something was wrong with me

Cried myself to sleep

Hoping that it would go away

Convinced myself that I still liked guys 

Forced myself into relationships

Forced myself into situations that 

Made me feel uncomfortable

Eventually accepted that I only like girls 

Once in a while I forced myself to like guys

Forced myself to let them kiss me 

To let them touch me

Forced me to expose myself

I felt disgusted

I even let them pressure me

I had to do things I didn’t want to do 

I could’ve said no but I didn’t 

It’s my fault but I said it wasn’t

I can’t seem to fully accept myself

It makes me wanna scream and cry

But in the end, I don’t do what’s best for me

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