It hurts how numb I am | Teen Ink

It hurts how numb I am

March 6, 2023
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

TW // cutting, self-harm


It hurts how numb I am

My wrist and stomach are numb

My emotions are numb

Cutting doesn’t hurt anymore 

Taking pills doesn’t hurt anymore 

But pretending to be someone else kills me

Ironic, no?

I want to die but the thing that’s killing me

Isn’t even physically hurting me

What did I do wrong?

You wonder like if it’s about you

You cause my pain but you don’t care

You ask me that question hoping that it’s fixable

Hoping that it’s not your fault

I could die today and you’d make that about yourself

Maybe it’ll take my death for you to realize

That you’re wrong

I won’t give you what you want though

My life is more worthy than you think

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