Right Now | Teen Ink

Right Now

March 13, 2023
By snapdragons BRONZE, Silver Spring, Maryland
snapdragons BRONZE, Silver Spring, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Right now I am a little kid

That was forgotten

They lost me in the boxes

For packing and moving

Couldn't find me for hours

My animal noises weren’t loud enough

I forgot to return

They didn't see me fall

Mt st helens exploded

And the lava melted me away

While everyone slept

The lava sparred me

But my family burned

Pirates stole my stuffed animals

I was arrested and sent to jail

No one came to get me

And I couldn't even hug Bear. 

Right now my socks are wet with rain from years and years ago.

I miss it.

I have been abandoned in a chasm

Right now i am fluttering

And barely here

And the rocks I hug to sink me back down

Keep slipping out of my hands.

I can't catch a full breath

So instead of slipping into sleep,

I fade into it

Losing myself every night.

Everything is too numb

And too empty

And too full

And sometimes I can’t find my own hand in the dark

Everything is terrifying

In such an embarrassing way

I'm not scared of heights,

But i nearly fainted looking down today

Cause i thought i might drop

My headphones.

You know when you're holding a carrot peeler and you get scared you might accidentally peel the skin off of your nose?

That's probably not actually that common of an experience

I love peeling carrots,

But I have to stay tunneled

That's kinda what everything is like these days.

Everything is fun as long as I don't think

Everything is whole as long as you don't look

I can hold on longer

I can hold on longer

Everything is better and easier than it used to be

But i've come untied

Im falling off into space

My past has become untethered

Its being erased every day

How can I move forward if I came from nowhere?

How do babies do it?

I guess they don't

I guess other people do it for them

My ribs hurt and it's not from binder bruises this time

Not that I know what it is from,

I just know its not that,

Because I haven't worn my binder in forever,

Because it got too small.

The author's comments:

I have PTSD and write poetry as a way of coping, I wrote this on a middle difficulty day to help hold my panic tethered. I use They/Them pronouns.

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