Kedrovka | Teen Ink


March 16, 2023
By Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the outskirts of Siberia,

Lives a small, relatively unknown town:


Close to Kazakhstan,

China, and Mongolia.

Though untraceable on a map.

It’s so tiny, major map companies

Completely amalgamated it into Kemerovo,

The capital of the Kemerovo Oblast.

Even if you tried searching for it,

And tried as hard as possible,

You’d never find it.

Part of the Siberian Federal District,

The Western Siberian Economic Zone,

And the Russian Federation.

Its beauty is overshadowed,

By the looming city of Kemerovo,

With its value to the country.

That small, little Siberian town,

Will forever be untouched,

And maybe that’s a good thing,

Its beauty will forever be preserved.

That small little town,


The author's comments:

A small poem about a Russian town.

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