Young Soldier | Teen Ink

Young Soldier

March 25, 2023
By Anonymous

Farewell worlds of wars farewell

Your crimes, your mess your hell

You broke my home , my heart ,my soul

Oh sweet memories of my sister holding her doll

Of my mother knitting by the warm chimney fire

Of my father whose wisedom and courage I admire

With such fabulous memories my pain dissipates


They are back to me while I am lying here

I am leaving to a better place Oh God it's so near

He is dead now his weapon by his side

Cool wind drying the sour tears he cried

But wait! He seems now only sleeping

On his face a bright smile is shining

Why should we fight and hurt each other?

The author's comments:

War is one of the sensationel subject and more and more writings denoucing the unseen and untold sufferings  it causes are needed to stop it from devastating OUR WORLD .

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