This School of Souls | Teen Ink

This School of Souls

March 26, 2023
By Elloise_Cerulean BRONZE, Harker Heights, Texas
Elloise_Cerulean BRONZE, Harker Heights, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love doesn't discriminate
Between the sinners and the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes
But we keep loving anyway."
-Lin-Manuel Miranda

This School of Souls

I wish that when I looked at a school 
I could see a hopeful future  
but when I walk into that building 
I don’t see a place to learn and grow and thrive 
I see a place where a part of me goes to die 
A place I never would have gone into 
Had I known that when I walked out 12 years after I walked in 
I would be nothing more than a cookie cutter  
Identical to everyone around me 
Because that’s what this building does 
I would have cherished my individuality  
If I knew that I would walk out drenched in normality 
Why do the unique children of today turn into the boring lost souls of tomorrow  
I will never understand how I lost what made me, me 
All I know is that I lost the girl I used to be 
I walked in not knowing how to add 2 and 2 
I walked in with color filled shoes and a confident smile ready to make my future a whole lot brighter 
I’m walking out I can solve any calculus, geometry, or algebra question you throw at me 
I’m walking out clothed in grey, wondering if I look okay, wondering if my future is really all they tell me it will be 
I walked into school 12 years ago, wanting to be something great 
I didn’t know that I would walk out 12 years later into a world of hate 
I was a fool to believe that school would be the tool I needed to make my life hold any light 
I was a fool to think, because school made me realize that my future isn't truly that bright 

The author's comments:

I wrote this to convey my growing frustration with the school system and to voice how school is designed to churn out identical people for a world that doesn't exist anymore. I hope that anyone who feels similarly can read this and know that they're not alone.

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