To The Woman Who Taught Me Everything | Teen Ink

To The Woman Who Taught Me Everything

April 6, 2023
By Jocelyn-Arciniega BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Jocelyn-Arciniega BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything I know 

in life is because of you 

Learning how to walk

Laughing for the first time

Even avoiding a heartbreak

You've taught me important lessons 

Like all coins are the same

but have different values

Just how people are all the same

but they all have different values

I've learned that life 

will lift you up

from the darkness but

will eventually throw you back in

You’ve taught me that my life is not written the second I’m born

That I’m the only one that will decide what becomes of my life

You’ve inspired me to do so much more 

With those wise words and stories of yours

I’m putting in all my strength I have to make you proud

To be a role model for future generations

I’m holding on to the rope between you and me but 

Petrified that one day the other end might snap

But until then I’ll make sure to learn every single last bit about you

And pass on those lessons and encouraging words to my children

The author's comments:

The reason behind why I wrote my piece is because my mother has been my inspiration since day one. Everyday I live in fear that one day she won’t be there with me anymore, so every single day I live it like the best day, learning new things about her and enjoying every single moment with her. I also wanted to write this because I wanted to let people know to not take their moms for granted because in the end, our moms are often the ones who have fought so hard for us to be alive and safe.

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