little dream you | Teen Ink

little dream you

April 7, 2023
By jybellman SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
jybellman SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Answer./ That you are here--that life exists and identity,/ That the powerful play goes on, and you may/ contribute a verse." - Walt Whitman (also quoted by Robin Williams in Dead Poet's Society.)

It’s a strange thing to fall in love so far away.

While your night turns into their day,

You’re waiting by the phone for that one ding,

their text “Good Morning” as their birds sing.

Thousands of miles between the two,

a flight away over an ocean of blue.

You ask me how I fell for you,

a boy so complex and undone;

you don’t understand how I could feel

the way they do 

I know I shouldn’t see it like this,

What we have between us is nothing for me to claim;

We haven’t even met face to face

But all I can ask myself is “What if?”

What if

Once we see each other, eye to eye,

We knew that this was it for us?

Once we felt the embrace of the other,

We knew we never wanted to let go.

What if

All that they say about soulmates is true?

That you would know at first glance?

Every night I long to fall asleep

and hope to dream of a little dream me

and in that dream i’m happy and free

because i get to be with a little dream you

every night i curl up in bed

hugging my pillow as i wish dream of a little dream me

where she gets to hold you oh so tight

a little dream you, with all her might

every night as i drift off to sleep

i smile in knowing that little dream me

will get to see her little prince charming

but sad to know that you only exist as little dream you

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote about my boyfriend before we started officially dating. I found it this morning, having no recollection of writing it. We talked about who we think fell first, and who fell harder. But with this poem, I think it's definitely no question that I fell first, and hard. To my love, who is still so far away, but soon we won't be. 

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