hard work of the deprived | Teen Ink

hard work of the deprived

April 8, 2023
By Hiddenzero SILVER, East Haven, Connecticut
Hiddenzero SILVER, East Haven, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain is temporary, Love is forever.

Fortune and fame,

It meant nothing to me before you,

My voice has always been heard over a storm,

Sometimes I thought you would hear me,

Angelic rain drops on my roof,

Comforting through my slumber,

Thoughts of colorful dreams,

Demonic nightmares,

I’ve always wondered if I was going to have money,

Better yet be successful,

Honoring who have ventured the journey before me,

The struggles and hardship,

The sounds of tears,

The lack of joy,

Painful memories hidden through fakes smile,

Rendered by a false sense of security,

We worked hours,

Day and night,




Just to be known,

Better yet heard,

We did it not for fortune and fame,

But to look back into the sky with the understanding,

We worked,


The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by my personal life of things never coming to me easy, I've always believed in hard work and the ability to persevere. I hope you can find motivation and a sense of determination from reading this entry. Work hard and keep your head up.

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