Wander | Teen Ink


April 21, 2023
By Ingrid-Fu GOLD, New Milford, Connecticut
Ingrid-Fu GOLD, New Milford, Connecticut
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wander in space

Searching planets for colonies

Is it dark

Or are there no colors

Not even a star or a spot

Am I moving or not

Or marching on that same spot

Infinite expanse stretching so far

But still so narrowed

Extruding my body

In that small black room

Restricting my actions

My thoughts

Silence stifled me

Covered my face


Stuck there blanked out

Lost contact with the world

No family

No friends

No countries

No Strangers

No love

No color

No air

No life

No nothing

Just myself

Wander in space

Waiting for something

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