Space Game | Teen Ink

Space Game

April 26, 2023
By mgough23 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
mgough23 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When she was small

She played pretend

Blurring the days

She didn't want to end


The birds would chirp

The squirrels would screech

The sky was bluer

And within her reach


She could skin her knees

And shed her tears

And the dark was the worst

Of all of her fears


Walls could open

And snakes could hug

She could hide inside

The holes she dug


Mirrors weren't scary

Sight wasn't pain

And clouds didn't bleed

Any acid rain


But stars die too

And when they're gone

There'll be nothing left

For her to count on


Her screams will echo

But no one will hear

And she'll slowly disintegrate

Into the atmosphere


She'll call for help

And hope to be found

Though she knows only silence

Can make such a sound


Patience is long

Living is short

Her mind runs rampant

And her limbs contort


She knows no reality

And her fear is never-ending

But what keeps her alive

Is that gift for pretending

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