Mirror Mirror On The Wall | Teen Ink

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

April 26, 2023
By Anonymous

Staring in the mirror, my reflection is a blur.

My body is a stranger, that I can barely endure.

The face I see is distorted, the eyes so hollow and far,

the pupils are so dark, I don’t know what they are.

I try to turn away, but the pain makes it hard to.

My reflection is all I can see, no matter what I do.

The sadness in my eyes, the depression that I wear,

it all shows in the mirror, the pain that I bear.

My reflection stares back, a reminder of what I used to be.

It's hard to believe this is me, that I'm the one I see.

The reflection in the mirror is all I have to show.

The person I used to be is gone, and my feelings remain low.

I hate what I see, and I can no longer pretend,

this shell of a person, the life I can't mend.

My reflection in the mirror, it's a sign of what I've become,

a reminder of what I've lost, the life I've left undone.

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