Memories | Teen Ink


May 9, 2023
By noelnovalee GOLD, Burlington, Iowa
noelnovalee GOLD, Burlington, Iowa
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

TW // sexual assault, self-harm


Slowly hurting me

Making me who I am

The memory of her screaming

And crying

The memory of her bandanas 

Covering her wrists

The memory of that hospital smell

Slowly hurting me

Making me who I am

The memory of him holding me

And kissing me

The memory of his bittersweet words

Manipulated by his age

The memory of him touching me

In awful ways

The memory of his hurtful touch

That I still can feel

Oh Memories



You made me who I am today

A broken girl

With a broken soul

And exhaling

Anything I can

Just to breathe again

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