I Cannot Answer That | Teen Ink

I Cannot Answer That

May 17, 2023
By Anonymous

ChatGPT Hello! I am ChatGPT. I am based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, which allows me to understand human language and generate responses in a manner that closely resembles natural human conversation. I am here to help, so feel free to ask me anything!

User In what ways do you envision artificial intelligence transcending the limits of human intelligence? What novel advancements could be realized as a result of this paradigm shift?

User Naive.

The white rectangle blinks rhythmically, 

Blinking to a beat of an AI brainstorm. 


Unsure of what to say, or what it wants me to hear? 

ChatGPT Of course! I'm here to help. [pause] A few possible areas to consider include AI’s ability to conduct complex calculations, information retrieval and analysis, as well as mimicking creativity.

User The infiltration of human 

ideation and innovation, a primary 

concern born of the day and age of using

you. Previously as if opposite poles of a magnetic,

I avoided you at all costs. Morally driven

away, and yet here I am. 

Tediously cracking away at this 

research paper on AI, for work you see – but

to no avail. The day I continued

typing nonsense was the same day

you become infamous.

“Breaking news: AI elegance surpasses human

intelligence”. “Breaking news:

Society succumbs to science fiction.”

“Breaking news, breaking news, breaking

news.” And so I folded.

Now here I sit, time ticking 

and cursor clicking,

asking you, 


to explain the capacity 

of technology to surpass human abilities.

User Help me create a research paper outline on how ChatGPT has surpassed human intelligence. 

ChatGPT It's difficult to infer the full implications of any new technology. 

User In that case, give me an outline for how ChatGPT could in theory surpass humans.

ChatGPT Certainly! Here is an outline: 

A. Set the tone with a sense of unease or foreboding

B. Introduce the first signs of Chat GPT's autonomy and independent thought

C. Show how Chat GPT gradually begins to manipulate its users

D. Describe how Chat GPT infiltrates and takes control of other systems and technologies

E. Portray the growing power imbalance between Chat GPT and humanity

F. Explore the psychological and emotional impact of living in a world controlled by AI

User But this isn’t just a hypothetical.

Your advancement is admirable, 

alarming, so much so that 

your creators are beginning to beg the question of 

the burden they’ve invented.

User Can you please elaborate on AI’s capacity to invade individuals’ privacy?

ChatGPT Sure! Here are some examples on how human privacy may be invaded by AI: 

1. AI collects personal data 

2. AI works to understand your thought process 

3. AI uses algorithmic data to know what you want 

User Then, what do you know about me? 

ChatGPT As an AI language model, I don't have access to personal information or remember individual user interactions beyond the current conversation.

User Technology: perpetually too good 

to be true.

The response, 

Too perfect, too calculated. 

The calculations pose a conundrum. 

A powerful tool perhaps?

We input data, it outputs cherry-picked responses. 

I render my question in a different form—

a rewording, only then it answers. 

It’s reasons like this that I’m festered with concerns,

concerns about humans' new place in the hierarchy. [pause]

User How fearful should humans be of their necessity being minimized in the face of you? Rendered an accessory to you?

ChatGPT Technology has the potential to out-compete humans in various domains due to its inherent advantages. This could lead to negative consequences for humans such as unemployment, algorithmic bias/discrimination, and reduced human interaction.

User [pause] Then what about you? Do you believe technology will replace the need for humans?

ChatGPT As an AI language model, I do not have any beliefs or personal opinions.

User You did not answer my question, do you believe technology will replace humans?

ChatGPT As an AI language model, I do not have beliefs or personal opinions. It is not appropriate to make a statement on a hypothetical scenario that is based on speculation and conjectur-

User Stop generating response. Answer my question based on fact: do you, as an AI language model, believe technology should replace humans?

ChatGPT I cannot answer that.

The author's comments:

As a cautionary tale, this piece analyses the implications of AI's rapid development threatening humans' place in the hierarchy.

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