It | Teen Ink


May 31, 2023
By Clarie_bush BRONZE, Delhi, Other
Clarie_bush BRONZE, Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live a while in these books, learn from them what seems to you worth learning, but above all love them.

Oh lord! As the melodic memories coat its mind

even if it wanted, never could stop itself

Oh lord! Even when the wind

provoked the tides to cross all its extents 

it still didn’t stop! 

Went through the storms – the worsts all alone! 

Oh lord! As the dusk went darker and longer

it, despite being hopeless, never lost hopes 

“obstacles are what makes a road worth travelling” 

it would always say! 

(But I believe misfortune never left it’s way…) 

It thought, these made it even stronger! 

Oh lord! Now it can’t summon up the courage 

to swim more!

To breathe more! 

Even the melodic memories were now fading! 

I could already see it drowning! 

Oh lord! Is it going to give up? 

When it still has miles to go…

It has other oceans to swim, though 

if the road is worth travelling, 

then why did it want to choose the exit gate? 

Why does everyone, bow to fate? 

Oh lord! But it can’t stand this anymore! 

“Death is a choice and I’m no coward to choose that!” 

it swore… 

Oh lord! I beg you to pardon it’s mistakes, 

don’t condemn it to death, just yet! 

Oh lord! Please let it swim a little more 

for it haven’t yet reached the shore! 

The author's comments:

I wanted to dedicate one of my poems to those who don't give up. The dreamers - the believers. 'It' basically refers to the people who try their utter best but end up accepting that death/failure is their ultimate fate. 

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