Am I Good Enough | Teen Ink

Am I Good Enough

May 31, 2023
By Anonymous

I said :"I'll write abook"

They said :"You're not good enough"

I said :"Am I ?"

As if writing a book

Was abit too hard .

I said:" I'll win the race"

They said :"You can't"

As if the other racers ,

Were a bit too fast .

I said :"I'll cross that lake"

They said :"You will drown"

As if this large lake ,

Was a bit too profound .

Finally , I said :"I will change the world "

They said :"Girl, you're dreaming "

As if this tiny voice ,

Was too small to be heard .

And then I knew for sure ,

That I can do anything ,

I can reach the farthest star,

With the help of my God .

Never will I await for praise

From the people around me .

All they want is to break me down .

Fake nervous grins,

Jealousy sins .

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