Write | Teen Ink

Write MAG

July 9, 2023
By elizaelanor SILVER, Tampa, Florida
elizaelanor SILVER, Tampa, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." (from The Princess Bride movie)

You want to write—

You’ve got nothing in your head, nothing in your mind,

The words won’t live where you’d like,


You want to write—

Eye meets eye, it makes you feel it,

Other people’s words make you need to,


You want to write,

To give some order to the way colors swirl, the way people’s voices tumble

Into each other and fall—

Down into a spiral of stairs,

Down into steps that would’ve led to the sky,


So write—

Take the words and place them, fit them nice,

Make them tell stories and give feelings to those who hear them,

Write, clear the chaos in your head,

Make it work out alright.


It isn’t right.

Not the choice of your words, not the way your voice dips,

You can see it isn’t right, it couldn’t be—

Words are fickle, words aren’t kind,

For you, they refuse to exist.

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