No. | Teen Ink


July 9, 2023
By elizaelanor SILVER, Tampa, Florida
elizaelanor SILVER, Tampa, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." (from The Princess Bride movie)

So take words and make them cut like knives,

I’m all out of ideas, I,

let grey of a pencil replace blue of a pen,

Would never, I do now,


Raw words are nothing just as raw sounds are not but noise,

Lack of artistry reduces emotion to dust no matter how much it hurts,


So thoughts on pads of paper are pathetic,

Harshness can never touch a heart,

And if a word wants to speak don’t let it,

It would never amount to much,


Rhyme schemes to freeform to madness,

Why order chaos if it will never reach another’s eyes?

Darkness and anger and all the wrong things—

In stupid simplicity ideas arise,


Ideas empty of intelligence,

Ideas not worth searching to find,

Patterns and letters are meaningless,

Let them turn in obsession in someone’s mind,

Don’t let them out, don’t let them be seen,

Don’t let them mark more than a page each time,

Fear of judgment says they’re not something anyone should read,

Patience and quiet slips away with each lie,


But if one is to judge, if one is to say,

What’s worth and what’s not from the words on a page,

If one is to pick and one is to choose,

What’s the reason to follow anyway?


Rain is not and thunder is not, and heavy black should never be,

Sun is not and softness is not and happiness one should never see,

And blue is not and yellow is not, and neither is grey nor brown,

And squares are not and triangles no, and those circles going round and round,


Rules and acceptance and rulings and rejection,

Expressions on faces and fingers crossed tight,

Comments and opinions and exaggerations,

Words can never be used more than twice,


Interpretations and conversations,

People say everything with their eyes,

Contact and meetings and aberrations,

Agreements are never to be set aside,


Agreements agreed without agreeing,

Agreements agreed without knowing why,

Agreements on words and emotions and life,

Agreements set on agreements living for years at a time,


Agreements stacked with agreements on agreements:

repetition isn’t right,


Agreements on meaning

because meaning is meant to be more than just light,

Darkness is preferred, but darkness is dramatic,

Violence in words is hardly a fight,


Violence and blood are meant to be wrapped in phrases,

But violence and blood are more than they asked,

Happiness and sunshine have no reason to be written,

They’ll be demanded nonetheless,


Wants and requests and answers aren’t what they should be,

Knots are tied on a little too tight,

It should have far too much freedom but much too much security,

It should match requirements just right,


Not too strong, not too confusing,

Not too heavy, not too light,

A hundred changes, no removing,

Not too dark, not too bright,


Neither sweet nor bitter,

Words layered on words a bit too high,

Paths ought to be followed but paths ought to be paved,

Trying’s something, but it’s not enough to try.

The author's comments:

Though rules can be valuable in art, there are moments when they are exaggerated or imposed to the point when their resulting restriction begins to harm a person's creativity. This poem is meant to convey frustration with such moments.

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