All Over the Map | Teen Ink

All Over the Map

August 10, 2023
By jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
36 articles 26 photos 0 comments

I am from the coastal Metropolis, Shanghai,

Where the sea is blue, but the sky is gray,

Where the lights and neon boards,

Are brighter than the moon and stars.

I am from the skyscrapers

That brush the sky,

That reflect the sun,

That absorb the light.

I am from the snow

As white as the Laurentian Mountains,

As cold as River St. Laurent,

As soft as the fur of an arctic fox.

I am from maple syrup land,

From ”supposedly really nice people,”

From hockey fanatics,

From moose-lovers. 

I am from Wrightsville Beach,

The sweltering infernal sun,

The snowless Christmases,

The first in-flight state.

I am from Hotpot and Kan Guo,

From Chick-fil-A and Starbucks,

From a strict but loving family,

From tech jobs and educators.

I am from pirated movies,

I am from

I am from the glorious age

Of Stampycat, diamond minecart, Supercell

Of Madagascar, Shrek, Ice Age, and Avengers.

I am from the unwavering past,

Untroubled by the uncertain future.

I am from nowhere, but yet I know where.

I am from all over the map.

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