Moving in Darkness | Teen Ink

Moving in Darkness

August 10, 2023
By jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
jiajiasoso917 PLATINUM, Cary, North Carolina
36 articles 26 photos 0 comments

He moves in darkness as it seems to me.

During the night, when all is calm.

When I peer into the noir, 

He leaps to flee.

 I turn around

staring at the void.

Click, clack, click clack…

I hear his nails tap against the ground,

a tiny horse trotting down the hall.

I launch myself towards that sound,

In the imperfect darkness.

A white wall zooms peripherally.

“Wall on left, door on right, target in middle”,

Whiz the thoughts in my brain.

A ball of fluff suddenly meets my hand,

 Wagging its small, playful tail.



A pair of big, round eyes stare at me,

Golden like the sun,

As meaningful as a poem.

As I lie on the hardwood floor,

I embrace my cat,

with warmth and affection.

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