Of Love | Teen Ink

Of Love

August 20, 2023
By mandarincheesecake SILVER, Encino, California
mandarincheesecake SILVER, Encino, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Drifting stories and flying rumors

That ubiquitous, fluttering thing

Of falling, of dancing, of kissing

Of the crashes of tidal waves

And the blossoms of cherries

Of the cracking of fireworks

And the sweetness of a smile

Of love

It looms, exhilarating and frightening

But now, as the years wind ‘round me

In ribbons and wires and yarn,

It spells out a warmth I want

I want that fading sunset

And the quiet stars in the sky

I want all those songs and stories

That speak to the powerful grasp

Of love

The author's comments:

Love is so pervasive in our society; it is in all our media and continues through the couples we see and the stories we hear. Still, love has long seemed like a distant concept that would never truly touch my life. Yet, as I grow up, and so do the people around me, I see that love is not something to be held at arm's length, but perhaps a gentle, lovely thing that could arrive at my doorstep, too.

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