Lost dog; do not chase | Teen Ink

Lost dog; do not chase

August 22, 2023
By erinhart SILVER, Metuchen, New Jersey
erinhart SILVER, Metuchen, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” - William Wordsworth


through hometown streets

are remnants 

of foregone solace 

The gallows' call

to an idle wanderer,

into the ether. 

Their barren poetry

laid ashore

—sunken ramblings 

of the madman

in his moonlit cell,

of cinematic sorrows

inhumed within

this sightless capsule

of time.

The author's comments:

I tend to struggle with titling my poems; it is always the last step of the writing process for me. The title for this work came to me when I was driving one of my friends home one night and saw a poster stapled to a telephone pole. It read “LOST DOG. DO NOT CHASE.” in bold lettering. For some reason it spoke to me. 

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