The Sacrificed Gazelle | Teen Ink

The Sacrificed Gazelle

September 27, 2023
By DjmasterII7 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
DjmasterII7 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am strong and courageous,

I am sad yet happy

I am one who holds things together like a paperclip

I am a piece of paper with a paperweight on top of me

I am never one to give up

I am persistent and annoying

I am one who keeps with things I love no matter how bad they get

I am a suffering gazelle being fed upon by a lion while the rest live

Persistence, a savior complex, sacrificing;

Can be looked at in two different ways

I choose how to perceive those words 

I choose to sacrifice my happiness and well-being to make others happy,

But that makes me full to the point where it’s gluttony 

Although it may sound dark

Although it may sound depressing or gloomy

It is the way I prefer it, giving happiness at my own expense 

It is the way the world turns and the way some people need to be

Some are the suffering gazelles,

Some are the hungry lions, and

Some are the ones being sacrificed for,

Though the gazelle suffers, it finds happiness in other's happiness

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