The Passion of a Theatre Kid   | Teen Ink

The Passion of a Theatre Kid  

September 28, 2023
By Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Zues PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Passion is something everyone has or will get at some point in their life. For me my passion is for the performing arts, theatre, but not the usual acting side.

No, I love to be in the background, never seen, but still working like an actor. My passion is for the behind the scenes, all things like lights to sound to moving set pieces to even building and painting those sets.

I've been doing backstage work for 7 years and still going, as I go through life I've been learning more and more about tech and how much I'm hoping I get to do it everyday for the rest of my life. 

I love the saying “if you love what you do you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. I’d say it’s true, as people I've seen and talked to, people who have all been doing their dreams as jobs, they all have this passion, like mine, whether its through facial expressions or how they walk or talk.

I love talking to people who have done tech for theatre or movies who have been doing it much longer than me and seeing how much they know and how much they can teach me about problems they’ve encountered. 

Like a piece of the set breaking during a show or having to change the color of a set piece because the director wanted to have it in a different color.  I love listening to soundtracks of popular broadway shows and how much it can make me feel. 

It’s like when reading through the poem “The Sky Is an Elephant”. In class it made me feel very sad, especially the last line of the girl's skeleton and the moon shining over it. 

I get that same feeling from listening to different soundtracks, especially when it's a musical, Especially if they’re about touchy topics like in the musical Hair. It’s all about these hippies and their thoughts, feelings, and moods towards the vietnam war.

Another musical, Dear Evan Hansen, is all about mental health of high schoolers, really anyone in general. But they really can also be about anything they’re ones about the 50’s-60’s era and their music, one about the revolutionary war and creation of america, there are even some about fairy tales while others are satire and trying to make fun while still in good faith to what they are making fun of. 

That's who I am. I love plays and all things theatre. It makes me happy and I'm glad to have found it. 

One thing I will always do while watching a show is to look for little things like paint textures or miniature lighting or props. Virtually anything I know could happen from behind the scenes. 

While still enjoying the performance. I love and enjoy talking with people about theatre whether they have a background in it or not. 

I am theatre and theatre is me. 

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